

The Friend beckoned, and I followed.

I walked behind it, marveling at the silence of every step. The air smelled of cinnamon and pine needles, with a dash of something warm and indescribable; the scent of my childhood home, lost long ago.

This silent, peaceful descent reminded me of the moment before a deep slumber; familiar and dark and all-encompassing. The second before one’s mind surrendered into the warm embrace that was sleep, a land where dreams reigned and time stood still.

The Friend waited patiently for me at the heart of the horizon, endless black against the gold sky. When I reached it, I realized, there would be no turning back. I was struck with a swift and vital need to breathe this sweet air, to taste the dying flavors of Life. All the time I had wasted was heavy on my heart, but I could not hold on to it.

I walked towards the Friend, shedding my human baggage as I went.

Death held out its arms to me, and I was folded gently into eternity, my journey finally at end.

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