Thank you very much for your considerable praise! It is quite a depressing poem, but the Roy Batty quote just bought out this whole scene in my mind of a nameless figure, walking through a dreary cityscape in the rain, waxing lyrical about something that is soon to cause their demise. And I’m glad you liked the first 2 stanzas. They’re probably my favourite ones, because the ones after that lack the same degree of subtlety that I was trying to achieve consistently throughout the entire poem. Still, I’m not one to argue with a 5 pencil rating… =)))
It started with a rhyme scheme, but that had deteriorated by the end of the poem which annoyed me. The visions are beautiful however. I don’t know about Roy Batty but it seemed to me to echo Frost first in Desert Places and then in Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. I do wonder why there’s an apostrophe after ‘cliche’ I don’t know what to rate so I shan’t.
The deterioration of the rhyme scheme was an intentional thing. It was a way of showing the character’s increasing inability – whether through forgetfulness (perhaps due to whatever is causing thier upset?), or through a swelling lack of interest bought on by their eclectic emotions – to keep their train of thought on track. And the apostrophe on “cliche” was a typing error, which will disappear soon after I’ve finished this comment… =P
J. A. Keane
Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
J. A. Keane
Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
J. A. Keane