Time was fixed
It is cold here.
Cold in the gaps between now, then and soon.
I guard the Device against intrusion. Against innumerable adventurers, explorers ane conquerors, from past, present and future.
I have never and will never fail. Because I cannot. Time is fixed, from the beginning of my existence to the furthest point to which I have travelled.
I see the people that come to this lonely spot, see their past and every aspect of their character. I see every gap in their defences, every weakness and foible. I learn these things that I might kill them.
They fall easily, in pre-determined ways. I can move between seconds.
But something has changed.
A group arrived in the chamber. I analysed them all, seeing their pasts and short futures, one by one. Then I looked at the last one.
My mind broke. It was just too much. I had analysed insane creatures before, but the realisation of something beyond the world I live and have lived in was too much, and my mind shut down temporarily to protect me from the revelation.