
Green Star Rising

Verdie’s captor pulled him in front the man seated in the middle of the room. “Captain! I found a stowaway sneaking into the mess hall. Little runt put up a helluva fight.”

“I bet he did.” The captain murmured.

“Let me go!” Verdie appealed to the Captain, “Make him let me go! I didn’t do nothin’ wrong.”

“Listen here, you little-”

“Jack, put him down. He’s not going anywhere.” Once free, Verdie rubbed his arm and scowled at the man called ‘Jack’.

“What’s your name, son?”

“Verdance Green, but everyone calls me Verdie. Sir.”

“I see. Do you know where we’re headed?”

“To fight the Kuku’s!”

“That’s right. So why did you hide on my ship?”

“I wanted to help!”

“The only people that are allowed to help are Navy Personnel. Since you’re already here, we’re going to have to do this the old fashioned way. Hold up your right hand. Now, do you solemnly swear to uphold the rules and regulations of the United Space Authority…”

Verdie’s grin grew wider until it rivaled the stars outside. He was going to be a hero.

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