Life from nothingness
She ran till her curcuits were swollen like overcooked ramen noodles, then she collapsed. Her sensors and diodes had become entangled in a blur of confusion after she had unwrapped the bracelet that her new beau had left secretly in her back pack.
As she hunched, exhausted, on the ground she watched rain drops bounce of the gift, and then the world went white as her entire system shut down and rebooted. She opened her eyes and the smoke coming off her feet told her that she had just experienced every robot’s nightmare: Lightning!
She started to scream but her vocal circuits sounded alien.The sounds weren’t even going through her processors.The rain stopped and the clouds parted like a sappy Hallmark, but the water kept falling on the bracelet.
The next thing that happened should have shut her down and rebooted her, but there was nothing to reboot because there were blood and blisters on her feet and instead of rain, there were tears falling.
She almost fainted when she whispered, “I AM ALIVE”