
The Man Who Fell From Yesterday

I despised the architecture immediately. Nothing made sense and it hurt my eyes trying to follow the hard outlines of warped buildings and strange objects that twisted out of sight, seemingly at random. A bout of nausea overwhelmed me and much to my own disgrace I emptied my stomach onto the ground. As soon as it touched the bizarre patterns on the floor, it crystalized like frozen water, but then it flowed out of sight as if it were liquid.

Feeling the urge to vomit again I tried to resist by breathing deeply.

“Curse you, Maurits.” I muttered, foulness clinging to my tongue. I knew it wasn’t his fault that I had followed him here, but it was he that had found the door and it was he that had introduced me to it. Who could share the blame for my own folly if not for Maurits?

The sky above mocked me with its stars, each one an open door. I had fallen from there and now I knew not which was the way home were I to ever reach them.

Words reached me visually before they became audible. “HeLLo sTranGe feLlow!”

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