

Before I knew that it was scientifically impossible

Before Roland Emmerich pretty much did this kind of thing to death in his flicks

Before Foo Fighters did it in their video for DOA

When I was younger, I always imagined what it would be like if the world went sideways.
Literally sideways.
I didn’t put much thought into why it might happen, because how many times have you seen a film where the explanation for something impossible was quite meh-ish? (e.g. The Happening.)
But it was the visual of my imagining that mattered the most.

Picture it:
You’re walking along one day, when suddenly everything starts capsizing.
Everyone slides down the pavement like it’s the Titanic.
Cars roll down increasingly vertical roads.
Roofs of buildings smack into birds.
Planes fall right past you.
Entire skyscrapers break off from their foundations and tumble towards you.

Where would you hide?
How would you hide?

This idea haunted me for years…
…and oh, wait, it indeed still haunts me!

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