Viciously funny, and I’m as suprised as Sam that this didn’t get any responses the first time around. Thanks Sam for hitting the random-story button, otherwise I might have read this, and that would have been a shame.
I would also like to note that you’re spot-on about the “dancing” bit. I agree that it’s wrong on so many levels. You should have seen what my peers from my old (private) high school did when the party wasn’t sponsored by the school…
Yeah, Krulltar, the first version was about ballroom dancing and I just couldn’t resist writing this one.
Bless your heart, Rorschach, I wish there were more of you out there. I’m getting ready to re-enter the single scene and I shudder at the thought of having to endure more experiences like this one. But I have a feeling it’s inevitable…
Oh, I have been single all my life and it isn’t pretty. I loved this story and it reminded me of many many places where men and woman mingle. Funny and sadly true.