This was written with my writing group. I started it, and then each person after that wrote a new sentence. I have edited it for clarity and character restrictions, however.
A bit… er, broken-up… but it was the work of many people, so of course it’s not perfect. A funky idea, rebelling against the “hot vampire” theme of Twilight.
A bit… er, broken-up… but it was the work of many people, so of course it’s not perfect.
A funky idea, rebelling against the “hot vampire” theme of Twilight.
Trust me, it’s more coherent than the original version.
I liked it. I thought it was coherent enough, but that is coming from someone who writes about imaginary friends and dragons named Horse.
And you do it brilliantly, HB. Bob. You should just do it more often. And if you ever compile it into a book, count on me for a few sales.
And you do it brilliantly, HB. Bob.
You should just do it more often.
And if you ever compile it into a book, count on me for a few sales.