
Space Invaders

Jac loaded the cannons, but his heart wasn’t in his work. He knew what he was doing would only make them more angry, more violent. If only he could contact them…

The invasion had begun with little fanfare. Most people hadn’t even noticed at first, until it was too late. The invading force was almost upon them, their bases being torn apart. Aliens from space. Jac wondered who had fired first.

He secretly wished he could join them. He didn’t want a fight, he wanted a friend. Nobody here on Earth had ever really understood him, no friends had stood with him when the going got tough. He was alone.

Please, take me with you, he thought. But it was not to be. He knew it was a losing fight.

There were so many of them, and so few bases left…

And one by one they fell, until his was the only one left.

It became silent for a moment, a stunning contrast to the deafening noise from before. Jac looked through the window at the beautiful, smoldering ruins.

And then, with a flash of light, his world was no more.

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