
Shoe Thief (Boys, We Have A)

“Oh dear, I seem to have lost a shoe!”
cried the man known as Mr. McAllen Duroo.

“I put it right here, walked off, and it’s gone!
Oh, of all the great things that could have gone wrong!”

“An animal stole it. No, a person.” “Not quite!”
A man walked on in with his limp to the right.

“A half-and-half did it. A freak!” he exclaimed,
“With a slash and a snarl; it’s surely not trained!”

But his limp was quite strange, not natural at all,
For it seemed he had one shoe that was larger and tall.

This shoe was really the same as Duroo’s,
So McAllen cried, “That right there is my shoe!”

He took it off, picked it up, and handed it over
“Apologies, sir, but you weren’t very clever…”

“You saw me take it! Watched me, even so!
Why I thought that it was obvious that you would know!”

Then of course, Mr. McAllen Duroo
Stopped reading this pointless poem, and you should also

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