The Great Dawn [Magic Theory, Pt. 3]
Many stories have arisen over the years attempting to explain how mankind first discovered the nature of magic. While many of these are possible, the most commonly accepted explanation states that many thousands of years ago, a tribal healer was shown a vision during a fasting ritual. After three days and three nights of starvation and no sleep, she fell unconscious, during which time the gods spoke to her through a dream. They taught her the 10 laws, explained the ways of magic, and entrusted her to pass along everything she’d been taught.
When she awoke, she immediately did as she was instructed and taught her tribe the things that had been revealed to her. Many were frightened, and the tribe decided to cast her out, but a few individuals took heed of her teachings and followed her, becoming her apprentices.
Over the centuries that followed, these magical traditions were passed along, explored and refined by many practitioners, continually improving mankind’s understanding of the magical arts.