Whoo, sounds very in-depth, and I’ve only just read this and the next and the previous. Lots here, still not in the usual storytelling format. I get it, but yeah, I still appreciate a good yarn with a protagonist and all that, which I assume exists or is forthcoming.
The Kirva was originally spawned from Choryl’s philosophy, the view that wizards were a higher form of life, above all others. They felt it their right to take life as they please in order to practice their magic. They may not consider themselves evil, but they’re like the elitist people who feel the world should bow to their whims.
Their selfishness got them cast out, which embittered them.
Keep in mind the kind of person who would relate to a philosophy of elitism and guiltless killing for personal gain. Very selfish.
Of course, they felt they were in the right.
You could relate it to religious extremism, where they believe they’re doing the right thing when the rest of society believes otherwise.