High School Mischief FAIL.
You ever been sent to the principal for something really stupid and really embarrassing?
Boxer, Craig, and I had jacked some chemical with a really long (and stupid) name from the Chemistry Lab in the hopes of blowing stuff up later, but Dr. Berruda noticed it was missing. We tried replacing it, but we found the doors to the lab locked. Worse, the cops had come by and were doing locker inspections with their canine units.
So we did the next best thing. We dumped it in the toilet.
Afterward, Craig backed up, lost his balance, and fell. Naturally, we turned around to see if he was all right. It was then that the power went out.
With the lights dead, none of us had our bearings, but we still had to flush the toilet. Boxer had the bright idea of using his lighter flame as a light source, but upon the flame’s emergence from the unexpected end, he fumbled with it and lost his grip. He dropped it right after saying, “We’re all right, guys. It’s not like it’s going to blow up the crapper.”