
History and Songs

Given my extended absence I don’t feel I’m in a position to make a challenge. But I’m compelled to do so anyway.

There’s a quote from the Irish singer Frank Harte buzzing around in my head, and it goes something like this: “Those in power write the history, while those who suffer write the songs, and, given our history, we have an awful lot of songs.”

With this in mind, your challenge is twofold. First, write either a “history” or a “song”. Then, find another entry, and write the missing part.

Let’s say, for instance, you write a song entry; somebody else has to come and give us the “historical” inspiration for that song. Then you find a single history/song and write the missing piece.

Make sense?

I have The Apparent End of the World as the due date, but I may extend it or something.

As always: good luck, godspeed, Force be with you, feliz navidad, etc, etc, etc.

Challenge Entries