
I Know This Girl

I know this girl.

She is the most amazing person in the world. And she makes me feel pretty awesome as well.

We’ve both been through the shits and we’re coming back fighting.

Through bad times she’s been my rock and through good times she’s been my comrade, and even though I’ve known her less than a month, I feel really privileged to have met someone who inspires me so much.

She is my hero.
She is my pixelated shoulder to cry on.
She is my favourite writer.
She is my friend.

She is human.

We all need a hug sometimes and I wish I could somehow teleport my arms across the sea for her to cry into.
I wish I could be there when her world seems to be crashing all around her.

This is the one thing I love about the internet:

I have found a friend who I can love like a sister.

And the one thing I don’t:

I will probably never meet her.

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