Science FACT
Schrodinger’s Cat is a wonderful thought experiment that beautifully outlines the intricacies of quantum physics and the intrinsic difficulties in our conceptualisation of the fact that all possibilities can exist at any one moment until an observer destroys the wavelength and removes all but one.
But I digress. The challenge is much simpler than what the paragraph above would suggest. All you have to do is think of a common element of science-fiction writing and create a way for it to exist. Describe it’s functionality, detail its inner workings. The person that creates the most plausible explanation wins. Bonus points for difficulty and ingenuity.
There’s just one rule, inapplicable to most. Shu Sam Chen, you are undoubtedly the sci-fi God, so you are allowed to enter; however your stories will not be considered in contention for winning. I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. ;)
Get writing!