

Hail, good sir, or madame (I musn’t forget the superior sex! ;-] ). My name is Spageti. Good to make your acquaintance. I was born leagues away in a quaint place Christianed as Hamptonshire. My pappy was a writer of ye olde English fiction and me mum a proud housekeeper, the bless’d angel she was… I found it my responsibility to continue my family’s tradition of writin’ stories and housekeepin’, so I drunkenly stumbled onto this bit one night on my way back from Bubbles. Ever since, I’ve been writin’ my stories and making capturing massive adoration from plebians! I’d like to personally thank all me dear friends on this ledger via missive.

From a hoary old man to his captives!

~ Spageti

Stories (134)

Challenges (8)