
The Book of Ficly – Let Voting Commence!

(this was written by Mostly Harmless, not by THX or Kevin)

Friends, family and ficleteers!

It’s been a week and a half and we’ve received enough responses to be able to forge forward and produce an anthology of some of the very best pieces of work our community has to offer.

In light of the suggestion made by many of you, and as a matter of practicality given the amount of nominations we received, we are going to be publishing one book which includes the most-voted for pieces of both poetry AND prose – which leads me on to…

The voting system:

Below is the shortlist of pieces which were nominated by the community – each member now has the right to vote for four of these pieces to be included in the final publication, regardless of whether you nominated in the first stage –

  1. YOU CANNOT VOTE FOR YOUR OWN WORK, (MH cannot vote for himself.)
  2. OR FOR PIECES YOU NOMINATED, (If we all voted for our own nominees, we’d get nowhere.)

but there are no boundaries with regards to poetry and prose – Just Vote!

Please send all four of your votes – in the same Ficly (or Facebook) note – to Elsha, over the next week, with voting ending at midnight on the 21st of July.(Using notes makes this anonymous, so no one fights.)

From here, the wonderful Elsha will tally the votes, and the winning pieces will be announced as soon as possible – the total amount of pieces will depend on the lengths of those most voted for, but it is likely to be around 37 – an eclectic mix of genre, format and style. (winners will be posted with their tallies)

Thank you to all those who nominated, good luck to all nominees, and may this book raise oodles of cash for a phantasmagorical cause!

- Mostly Harmless

(Note by Elsha: Due to the possible change to a different publisher than Blurb, there is the possibility that all nominees could be published at a reasonable cost. Still looking into this. If you would be willing to pay for an anthology of all nominees, leave a comment below. Please send your ANONYMOUS votes via Note.)

UPDATE: The e-book is available now! You can buy it now, or wait another day or two for the physical copies to be available for order! And remember, with Creative Commons, anyone can create a book of Ficly stories as long as they provide proper attribution!




  • Raymond Finn

    Personally, I’d be willing to buy a book of all the nominations, but the type of binding etc… of the book would influence my decision more. If it’s going to look like a bunch of photocopied pages stapled together, or bound with gum, I probably wouldn’t bother.

  • kaellinn18

    I agree. The quality and price of the production would influence my decision.

  • H.S. Wift

    I’ve been counting, and I double-checked what you said in the original blog, and you said there would be 37 stories and 37-ish stories. As it stands, we dont yet reach those numbers in nominations, so is voting all that necessary?

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    There are 35 stories, you are right, enough to fill one book. However, there are also 18 poems, not enough for one book, so we can combine them. I am going to see how long that actually is, Title, author name, and story/poem in one continuous file and let you know.

  • Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}

    I’d buy the lot.

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    Alright, so “the lot” is 50 pages @ createspace, 5X8, black and white interior. Color cover using Raymond Finn’s image and the first part of Kevin’s description on the “About Ficly” page on the back. Tentatively Titled “What Can You Write In 1,024 Characters?” Taking suggestions on title!! It is in draft so you can’t see it, nor purchase it, so I can make any changes you wish. :) Blurb, the previous publisher, had a page limit in its pricing, but cutting them out, we have the freedom to make a 50 page book with all nominees inside.

  • code dreamboat

    I support the earlier sentiment, something that I could put on my coffee table would be ideal. Staples and gum, not so cool.

    I’m also happy to throw a few dollars straight to server costs if that is the hidden goal here.

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    No staples, nor gum! LOL! I have used createspace to order a free proof of my Nano novel, they do a good job on binding. :) The goal IS to throw a few dollars at server costs. Note me with any ideas what you’d be willing to pay for a 50 page book plus server costs.

  • Sam Ervin

    I’d prefer a book of all the nominations. That way, I can’t get booted out.

    Just kidding. But I would buy a book full of everything. Hell, perhaps we could get an interview or two to supplement the stories.

    Also: I don’t remember if this was already mentioned, but what will the pages look like? Will there be illustrations or at least designs of some sort?

  • Ana Cristina

    I don’t mind paying for a 50 page book. Would $25 be a reasonable price for that? I’d gladly pay it to include all of the nominations — I’m having trouble deciding, they’re all good. :)

  • H.S. Wift

    Umm… My 2 cents on title:

    Ficly – %^&* Happens

  • H.S. Wift

    Also… I’m scared I wont get voted enough, because of everyone’s cruel habit to NEVER COMMENT ON MY STORIES! I WRITE GOOD STUFF! READ IT! READ IT!!! READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • H.S. Wift


  • H.S. Wift

    And, sorry for the several consecutive comments, but I keep thinking new stuff. But I wanted to ask if we could have a week, till next wednesday, for voting. That way i could read every story this weekend and come up with fair votes.

  • Alexa Reed (LoA)

    I would buy a book with all of the nominations. I think I’d prefer an actual book so I could show it to others who are sadly without Ficly in their lives. If it costs $25, I wouldn’t be able to contribute much extra for server costs, though.

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    Alright peeps. I have made two book with ALL the nominations in them. Currently, the ebook version is for sale.

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    The means, poor Wifty, VOTING IS CLOSED! confetti!

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    When the print version is ready I’ll leave a comment. Should be in two days.

  • Mostly Harmless

    Wow… This is brilliant! All the nominations?


  • kaellinn18

    Badass! Thanks for your work on this Elsha!

  • Mostly Harmless

    Elsha, is indeed, a genius. Let’s hope this raises oodles of cash. Any idea on the pricing for the print version yet? I don’t know what the e-book is priced as in dollars, but it equates to £2.08 which is a BARGAIN, even for a digital copy…

    I’m EXCITED! MH :)

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    Uh about 6 dollars? sound fair?

  • Mostly Harmless

    MORE than fair… I honestly think you could go to $10.

    As it’s paperback you probably couldn’t go any more than that – but $10 – $12 dollars is where I think the balance between affordable and productive for Ficly is to be found… We’ll see what others think! MH :)

  • Le Héros Tragique

    Looks great! Can’t wait to order a print copy!

  • Robert Quick

    I was hedging on $25- meaning I would purchase one for myself and one for my parents but likely no more than that. At even $12, I could get more purchases. And to be absolutely sure I’m not missing anything, we no longer need to vote? Because everything made it in?
    Thank you so much for your work!

    Robert Quick

  • Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}

    Oh, hey, is it too late to suggest titles?

    The Art of Brevity:
    A Collection of Words

  • THX 0477

    Man, I’m slow these days. Work sucks. I’ve missed this entire conversation, but at least it ended nicely.

  • Raymond Finn

    Yeah, I’m sorry I missed the whole conversation about the title.

    I would have suggested
    “Ficly – A Better Shorter Story (2010 Collection)”

    That would give the option of having a 2011 collection as well.

  • Raymond Finn

    Once the hardcopy version is done, I’d like to think we’d all help spread the word amongst friends and family. I plan to get multiple copies and hold them over until Christmas. :)

  • Silven

    I’ll definitely be buying the print version. Ficly and I have an on/off relationship, but I love this place to death.

  • Conjoiner, Rejoinder, Poisoner, Concealer, Revelator [[Wednesday]]

    Okay; stop talking in $$. Tell me about ££, taking into account the fact that since it’s being published in the US, there will be delivery costs. sigh! However, I am looking forward to saying “I’m a published author!”

  • Marli

    God Bless Ficly, all the ficly folk and special thanks to Elsha and M.H. for their contribution. I believe they are mailing free copies to all who ask.ha,ha,ha,.

  • Mostly Harmless

    @PJ: I’ve looked into the costs of delivery – it could be as much as £8 to get it over here by mail – and because that’s not a ‘signed for’ courier, they still can’t guarantee it’s arrival!

    Blurb was better priced for UK buyers, but at the end of the day if we’ve got a better print quality now then that’s the way it’s got to be…

  • Raymond Finn

    Bought the electronic version. Honestly, I was disappointed.

  • kaellinn18

    What, specifically, was disappointing?

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    Alright, the ebook format is bigger and better! It’s no longer a giant sheet of paper, but more like book size!

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

  • Tad Winslow

    6—8 US dollars seems like a good price. Cheap enough to move units but high enough to turn a profit.

    Thank you Elsha and Mostly Harmless for all of your hard work. You did a wonderful service for Ficly and for us ficlyteers. Now, let’s sell these puppies!

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    Actually, I’m trying to re-upload the ebook with a table of contents and th Ficly story, so hang tight everybody. It’s getting better!

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    okay The update is complete!

  • Ana Cristina

    Yay, Elsha! I can’t wait for the physical copy. :-)

  • H.S. Wift

    I wanna buy 3 copies, one for me, one for my family, and one to rub in my english teacher’s face.

  • Abby (LoA)

    thanks to Kevin, Elsha and Ed for all your hard work. This place needs you (well Kevin…obviously =D) Elsha nd Ed, you two are heroes and you deserve to be in that book. Love you both a lot and can’t wait to get my paws on a copy.

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    I know I can’t please everyone. I am working with Word and a PDF converter.

    The table of contents, pain my butt, but a good change!
    Formatting every enter and page break and reorganizing it so it fits in the smallest sapce, good changes!

    (had to be done, over over and OVER)

    Putting in people’s icons or the winner icon, too perfectionist!

    Choosing a font that gives each letter the appropriate space for ease of reading.. doable / trying to create a home away from home.. not so much!

    I am working with your suggestions and have a finished product that closely resembles a book. If the publisher will accept my margins…

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    teenie weenie book cover

  • Tad Winslow

    I got a ‘No Preview’ page when I copy and pasted the above address for a preview of the cover thumbnail. Did I do wrong?

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    ah phooey! well, i’ve heard that twice now. sorry. I guess you’ll have to wait.

  • Textual Phoenix

    Well, I have my PDF copy. Now I just need to wait to get a physical copy. (I hate reading online. Ficly’s aside, of course. :-D )

  • Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)

    Hey Jesi would be so blown away that her poem got nominated.

  • H.S. Wift

    Umm… has the physical copy become available yet? Because I want to tell all my teachers the URL when they are at their laptop and then linger over their shoulders so they feel awkward and have no choice but to order a copy.

  • Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))

    Is there gonna be our actual names in there? Because I can’t show people a story by PJ [[LoA]] and go ’that’s mine’ and people go ‘Your name’s not PJ, duh! Stop taking credit from other people’s work.’

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    No, it’s your ficly names, PJ , because this is a ficly book. I totally understand how you feel though, in fact, I just had this conversation with another writer! I am waiting for createspace to approve the files. I’ve had to amend them twice now. My margins and theirs aren’t agreeing.

  • Raymond Finn

    It might be a good idea to order one preview copy of the book yourself, for review purposes. Considering how you’ve amended the files more than once, you wouldn’t want to run off a print batch and find there’s a problem with it.

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    yeah i think it actually won’t let me confirm until I do buy a proof copy myself. I’ll keep you posted.

  • H.S. Wift

    Is the physical copy still not ready? I have several teachers to force to buy this book and 3 days in which to do it!

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    Well, the proof is ready, FINALLY, but I have to wait for it to come in. Sorry Wifty.

  • Raymond Finn

    Physical copies can take some time, even longer if you plan to proof read a review copy.

    FWIW, I created a slightly different version of the book at Lulu. Mostly because I want to see what their service is like. But also because I had a different “look and feel” in mind, so why not?

    It can take 2-3 weeks for a print version to come off the presses. Then assuming there was no other changes to make (and I’m sure mine will have a few) it would take another few weeks to run off copies for people who wanted to buy them.

    ElshaHawk, the version I put together was a small hardback edition. So it’d be a little more expensive. But if you want, you could offer the more expensive one alongside yours (as an alternative) under the same terms. (All proceeds going to ficly, etc…)

    One final point. Since people don’t always use their “real” names on the site (including me) it might be worthwhile to give the people who were nominated the chance at using their real names in the book. Just a thought.

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    Not a bad one. :) It could be one of the ‘changes’. It’s not a problem at all to offer more than one book! Go for it! Anything we can do to help the community.

  • Le Héros Tragique

    Given the option, I think I’d like to go with my real name (and a real picture of me too as opposed to the cartoon one I use for my icon) but I won’t complain either way. =^)

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    If you want your real name in the black and white softcover book, note me.

  • H.S. Wift

    I don’t. I wan’t to say “that’s me” then piss on them when they say “no, it’s HS Wift” by logging on and grinning.

  • H.S. Wift

    Seriously? Still not ready? I leave for my holiday today, I wont be able to order the book for weeks!

  • Raymond Finn

    Physical copies can take some time, even longer if you plan to proof read a review copy.

    It can take 2-3 weeks for a print version to come off the presses. (e.g. Lulu estimate 10-15 Business days for a print run to be done, then you can order it, but there’s shipping delays of potentially another week or so.)

  • {DARCH}Loa

    hahaa if you need more poems mine are right on deck??

  • Raymond Finn

    To update those who sent me a note, and said they’d be interested…

    Lulu have just dispatched the review copy of the Hardback edition of the ficly book. I submitted the PDF to them 8 days ago, so I think that’s pretty good.

    When it arrives, I’ll go over it with a fine tooth comb as they say, and look for possible changes to make to the PDF. Already, I think the changes will involve changing the authors (to include real names where they want it) and changing the back cover to something more elaborate than what is currently there. And maybe the cover, if it’s not turned out well.

    If anyone is interested, I can take a youtube video or some photos of what the hardback looks like, in terms of finished quality and what not. That way, you’d know what you were getting since you can’t walk into a book store and examine it.

  • DredZed

    I’d definitely like my real name as well as my Ficly name in any book that’s made. And I’d love to see some pictures of the book if you can get some when you receive it.

  • Raymond Finn

    It arrived in the mail this morning, (I’ve been told) but I won’t actually be home for a few days. I’ll post here again in a few days, with a link to a video examination of the book.

  • D.S. Aly

    So how exactly do we get ahold of this book?

  • Raymond Finn

    It depends which one you want. The paperback version will be linked by Elsha Hawk when it’s ready. I’ll be linking to the hard back version, which will be slightly different in format, but all the same ficly’s as the paperback version.

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    This link will lead you to the paperback version. At 7.50, ficly gets 2.34, and standard US shipping is 3.61. so for 11.11 (ha!) you can get your softcover copy.

    For pictures of the book:

  • The Third Robot

    Holy crap guys!! I leave for 2 months (or more) and we made a book!?

    That’s fantastic!

    (don’t mind me, just throwing in my two cents)